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Health and safety fundamental to our worksites
The preservation of our staff’s physical integrity is a core value for Arbé. Our safety policy aims for ‘Zero Accidents’.
With this in mind, we have committed over the past years to an active prevention strategy, conscious that work conditions compliant with health and safety issues contribute substantially to the performance of the company.
We focus our safety management system on appropriate and tangible action-oriented tools:
- Risk evaluation for each work position
- Advance preparation of worksites, fully integrating health and safety factors
- Welcome employees and accompany them for each project
- Continuous training of employees in their job and the inherent health and safety regulations
- Improved exchanges and internal communication, notably through 15-minute worksite safety briefings
- Implementation of material allowing full safety during operation
- Feedback and analysis of worksite visits
- Implementation of a rigorous treatment and analysis of work accident information to identify cause
Each year a plan of action is established based on risk evaluation, feedback and the monitoring of technology and regulations.
The management’s desire to perpetuate these tools is outlined and displayed at all levels of the company. Every person is responsible for ensuring their own safety and also that of their colleagues and other worksite partners.
The Health and Safety service, including a manager and a field trainer, is responsible for overseeing the process with the teams. They are assisted by the Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee (known as CHSCT) who relay the prevention messages in the field. They in turn are assisted by around sixty workplace first aiders – almost 20% of the Arbé’s employees – who form an essential link in the ‘safety’ chain.