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driven piles
Home > Our projects > Special foundations projects > Driven piles
2013 – Pylons in the sea for Enercal on the Dumbea – Ducos Line
Project description : 2 pylons in the sea. For each pylon, works included driving 4 x 18m pipe piles (660 x 15ep) from a barge, trimmer head, adjustment and sealing the mounts with concrete brought in by helicopter
Client : SECAL
Worksite supervisor : ENERCAL
Cost of works : 70 000 000 FCFP
2010 – Quai des caboteurs (Noumea)
Project description : Threshing of 162 slanted pipe piles (660 x 18 ep) of between 23 and 26 metres deep for the structural engineering section
Client : Autonomous Port of New Caledonia
Worksite supervisor : ITECHSS
Cost of works : 345 000 000 FCFP (driven piles included)

Enercal sea pylons

Quai des Caboteurs